Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies for 9 cookies 80 g each
Ingredients Total weight: ~ 14 g 100%
• Powdered gelatin 200 Bloom 2g 14%
• Cold water 12 g 86%
1. Pour the powdered gelatin into a clean container and add cold water. Gently stir with a spoon.
2. Place the mixture in the fridge for 10–15 minutes to allow the gelatin to swell and bloom. It is ready to be used.
3. You can make the gelatin mass in advance and store it in the fridge for up to 2 days.
• If you’re using gelatin leaves instead, take the same weight as you would with powdered gelatin and soak the leaves in cold water (the leaves should be fully covered with water).
• The gelatin leaves should absorb exactly the right amount of water they need in 15 minutes. Then squeeze them and use immediately.
Ingredients Total weight: ~ 500 g 100%
• Butter 82% 114 g 23%
• Brown sugar 143 g 29%
• All-purpose flour 143 g 29%
• Sea salt 1.5 g <1%
• Baking soda 1.5 g <1%
• Whole eggs 29 g 6%
• Egg yolks 11 g 2%
• Chocolate chips 70% 57 g 11%
1. Put the butter in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Continue cooking on low heat for several minutes until milk solids separate from fat and float to the top. When ready, the butter will reach the temperature of 140 °C / 284 °F and turn golden brown.
2. Take the brown butter off the heat and let it cool down to about 50 °C / 122 °F at room temperature.
3. Strain the cooled brown butter into a clean bowl, add the sugar and mix with a whisk. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 5 minutes, whisking from time to time until it reaches 30 °C / 86 °F. 2 Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies for 9 cookies 80 g each
4. Add the whole eggs and egg yolks, mix with a whisk until combined.
5. In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour with baking soda and sea salt, and gradually incorporate the dry ingredients into the egg mixture. Mix with a spatula until a soft and not sticky dough forms.
6. Coarsely chop the chocolate chips with a knife, add them to the dough and mix everything well with a spatula.
7. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for at least 3 hours to mature, although overnight is preferred.
• You can keep the dough in the fridge for up to 3 days and bake when needed.
Ingredients Total weight: ~ 428 g 100%
• Glucose/corn syrup 65 g 15%
• Sugar 65 g 15%
• Whipping cream 35% 171 g 40%
• Water 26 g 6%
• Butter 82% 51 g 12%
• Sea salt 1g <1%
• Gelatin mass 14 g 3%
• Sweetened condensed milk 35 g 8%
• Vanilla 1/2 pod <1%
1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add salt and vanilla seeds and bring to a boil. Take the mixture of the heat and set it aside.
2. Meanwhile, add the sugar, glucose syrup and water into a separate saucepan. Place the saucepan over medium heat and let the mixture caramelize until it turns amber.
3. Gradually pour the hot cream and vanilla mixture into the caramel, stirring vigorously with a whisk.
4. Switch to the spatula and cook the caramel until it reaches 105 °С / 221 °F. Remove the saucepan off the heat.
5. Add the condensed milk, gelatin mass and butter, and mix the mixture with a spatula until all components have dissolved.
3 Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies for 9 cookies 80 g each
6. Transfer the mixture into a measuring cup and blend with a hand blender for around 1 minute until a semiliquid and smooth texture.
7. Transfer it into a clean bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for around 6 hours.
• The finished caramel can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 14 days.
Ingredients Total weight: ~ 376 g 100%
• Pecan nuts 112 g 30%
• Blanched almonds 112 g 30%
• Sugar 150 g 40%
• Sea salt 2g <1%
1. Roast the nuts at 130 °C / 265 °F for 15–20 minutes. Place the roasted nuts on a baking tray lined with a silicone mat.
2. Caramelize the sugar in a saucepan to a deep amber color (bring it to 160–195 °C / 320–380 °F, according to your preference), shaking the pan occasionally to prevent the sugar from burning.
3. Pour the caramel over the nuts and let it cool down completely at room temperature.
4. Put the caramel with roasted nuts and sea salt in a food processor and blend into a paste.
5. Transfer the finished praline to a clean bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature until needed.
• You can store the praline in a cool dark place for up to 3 months or freeze it for almost a year.
4 Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies for 9 cookies 80 g each
• Stabilized cookie dough
• Roasted pecan nuts 75 g
1. Divide the dough into 9 pieces (around 50 g each) and shape them into balls, press a little bit to make them flatter and place on a baking tray lined with a sheet of parchment paper.
2. Arrange the chopped roasted pecans on top of the cookies and slightly press them into the dough.
3. Preheat the oven to 180 °C / 356 °F, place the cookies inside and immediately drop the temperature to 160 °C / 320 °F. Bake the cookies for around 10–12 minutes. The center of properly baked cookies should rise slightly and be soft, while the edges should be crispy and slightly drier to the touch.
• After baking the cookies for 10 minutes, take them out of the oven and use a cookie cutter (of a bigger diameter) to mold the edges of the cookie from uneven to perfectly round, using a swirling motion. Then place the cookies back in the oven.
4. Leave the cookies to cool down at room temperature.
• Cooled baked cookies
• Pecan and almond praline
• Stabilized vanilla caramel
• Chopped roasted pecan nuts Sufficient quantity
1. Transfer the praline and the caramel into separate piping bags and pipe 3–4 drops on top of each cookie.
2. Place the chopped roasted pecan nuts between the piped caramel and praline.